To set up the task persistence database migration, you must update the file with the object store and task persistence information including the store values. The file is located in the following location:
<IAM suite folder>/tools/tpmigration/com/ca/tp/migratetpto125
To set up migration, complete the following information in the properties file:
########################################################### # The object store is required to obtain the environment details. ########################################################### os.db.hostname=<hostname> os.db.dbname=<database-name or SID> os.db.username=<db user name> os.db.password=<db user's password> os.db.port=<db port number> os.db.dbType=<type of the database. For ex. for SQL server sql2005 and for oracle 'oracle'>
########################################################### # Task persistence data where the old and new tables are. ########################################################### tp.db.hostname=<hostname> tp.db.dbname=<database-name or SID> tp.db.username=<db user name> tp.db.password=<db user's password> tp.db.port=<db port number> tp.db.dbType=<type of the database. For ex. for SQL server sql2005 and for oracle 'oracle'>
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