You can control data access settings for integrations using the TIBCO sensor. You can use the CA-provided default settings for most event collection purposes, but you may want to alter these settings for custom integrations.
To set TIBCO configurations
Specifies the name or IP address of the TIBCO server in the following format:
Protocol://server IP or name:Port number
For example, when installing the CA Access Control Report Server you specify whether you want to communicate using SSL. Based on your response, specify one of the following:
Replace "tibcoTCPsrv" with the name or IP address of your TCP server.
Replace "tibcoSSLsrv" with the name or IP address of your TCP server.
The port value, 7243 is the default. If you specified a different value when you installed the Report Server, you must use that port value.
Specifies the user name for TIBCO server authentication.
For example, when installing the CA Access Control Report Server you specify whether you want to communicate using SSL. Based on your response, specify one of the following:
Specifies the password for TIBCO server authentication.
For example, when installing the CA Access Control Report Server you specify whether you want to communicate using SSL. Based on your response, specify one of the following:
Specifies the log name for the event source.
Specifies the number of seconds the agent waits before polling events when the TIBCO server has become unavailable or disconnected.
Specifies the identifier for the TIBCO queue.
Specifies the name of the TIBCO queue from which the log sensor is to read messages (events).
Specifies the number of threads to be spawned by the log sensor to read TIBCO queue messages. The minimum value is 1. The maximum number of threads that can be spawned is 20.
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