You can use the mapping wizard to analyze a data mapping file, allowing you to test and make changes to increase the efficiency of your mapping file. The sample events are tested against the DM file and the results are then validated against the CEG.
To perform mapping analysis, click the Mapping Analysis step of the Mapping File Wizard. The wizard displays a table, showing the parsing result of the sample events you entered in the Sample Event step.
The completed DM file saves your mappings and considers event information in the order of the mapping type screens (wizard steps 4-7). If duplicate mappings exist, the last value the DM file finds is the one assigned. For example, if a DM file finds a direct mapping for a given native event value, and then a different conditional mapping for the same value, the refined event displays the conditional mapping result. More information on the design implications of the mapping order is included in the individual mapping type procedures.
When you create a new rule, it is saved as version 1.0. If you later rule edit the rule, a separate copy of the rule is stored as a new version. You can view earlier versions, and apply or copy them as needed.
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