A Concat function mapping is a type of function mapping. Unlike other function mappings, which specify one target field or value, the concat function specifies multiple mapping targets, which it concatenates into one CEG field.
You can use the Data Mapping wizard to create concat function mappings. Because concat mappings are different from other function mappings, the procedure for creating them is somewhat different.
To set a concat function mapping
The Function Mappings screen appears, displaying current or default mappings. The Name column shows a CEG field, the Function column the current linking function, and the Value column a text or field value.
The mapping entry appears in the Mapping Details pane.
The Format and Value fields appear.
Note: The value for the concat function is displayed as {…} in the Function Mappings pane. This means that there is a set of values instead of one value.
The value appears in the Selected Fields area.
If you click Save and Close, the new file appears in the Mapping File User folder, otherwise the step you choose appears.
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