Previous Topic: On-Demand Updates Flowchart

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How On-Demand Updates Work

Unlike scheduled subscription update cycles that update all proxies and clients, Update Now affects only the selected host. Processing starts when you click the Update Now button as long as the scheduled update is not in progress. If a scheduled update is in progress, clicking Update Now has no effect. If the start time for a scheduled update occurs while update now processing is in progress, the scheduled process does not run. When the on-demand processing completes, the scheduled update cycle resumes.

If you change configured values, be sure to wait for the update interval (300 seconds by default) to elapse before running an on-demand update. CA Enterprise Log Manager generates a self-monitoring event after the update completes.

Important! If the modules to download contain Reports or Integrations, which are content updates, you must update the content proxy before performing any other on-demand update.

The tasks performed by an on-demand update depend on the subscription role of the selected server. Consider the differences in results for the following distinct subscription roles a server can have.