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Test Server Retrieval from the Database

Use this test query to determine whether an ODBC client application is able to retrieve data from a CA Enterprise Log Manager event log store using the established database connection. This procedure uses the same ISQL utility you used to test the ODBC connection.

Note: Do not copy and use the SQL queries provided in the CA Enterprise Log Manager queries and reports to test your ODBC connection. Those SQL statements are only for the CA Enterprise Log Manager server to use with the event log store. Build your ODBC SQL queries using standard constructs according to the ANSI SQL standard.

To test the server component data retrieval

  1. Access a command prompt and navigate to the directory where you installed the ODBC client.
  2. Start the ISQL utility, odbcisql.exe.
  3. Enter the following SELECT statement to test retrieval from the event log store:
    select top 5 event_logname, receiver_hostname, SUM(event_count) as Count from view_event where event_time_gmt < now() and event_time_gmt > timestampadd(mi,-15,now()) GROUP BY receiver_hostname, event_logname;

More information

Creating ODBC and JDBC Queries for Use with CA Enterprise Log Manager

SQL Support Limitations

Supported SQL Functions