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About Filters and Profiles

You can set or edit filters to refine the event information displayed in your queries and reports. You can access the global filter dialog from the main CA Enterprise Log Manager window. You can add local filters from within an individual query or report display. Setting a profile lets you restrict the tag list, query list, and report list to the tags, queries, and reports of interest to you.

Click a report filter button to launch its own creation dialog. Select the profile to apply from the drop-down list.

Global Filter Global Filter creation button

Applies to all reports or queries you view in the current session only, and provides a way to view a wide variety of event types qualified in an identical way. The Global Filter button appears at the top of the main CA Enterprise Log Manager window next to the Log Manager server menu. You can use a global filter to view all events received in the last week, or from a certain host, for example. The Global Filter interface also lets you control certain application-wide settings.

Note: A global filter returning the last six hours of data is the default setting.

Local Filter Local Filter creation button

Applies only to the current report or query. The Local Filter button appears at the top of the details pane in query or report displays. When you view a new report, the local filter is not applied or saved, unless you save the report as a favorite with that filter set. Local filters let you restrict the current view to only one host in a multi-host report view, for example, without changing other report views.


Product-specific filter that applies to the tag list, query list, and report list. The Profile setting drop-down list appears at the top of the main CA Enterprise Log Manager window next to the Clear Filters button.