A CA Enterprise Log Manager API call uses the HTTPS protocol to contact the event log store. The call returns results in XML, or in the form of a graphical query or report display, depending on the call you use.
Each call has a defined URL structure, consisting of several common elements. For example, an API login call appears this way:
The first element defines the target server:
To use the call in your environment, replace the "ELMSERVER" portion of the URL with the hostname or IP address of the server where the data you want is stored. Port 5250 is the default port used by CA Enterprise Log Manager. The "/spin/calmapi/" text remains the same for any call.
The second element defines the API call itself, and provides any authentication details:
"calmapi_login.csp" is the login call. The second portion, "?username=xx&password=xx" defines the credentials that are used to log in. In this case it is a CA Enterprise Log Manager user name and password.
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