Use the getObjectDefinition command to show the formatting and layout data specific to a query or report in XML format. You can view formatting data in existing reports to create custom formatting, especially using the runQuery command. You can use getObjectDefinition to return data on both subscription and custom user-defined reports or queries.
getObjectDefinition Example
Returns the following XML:
?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <Result> <Value>true</Value> <Description>Get Object Successful. Type [getObjectDefinition]</Description> <Panel id="Subscription/panels/Unclassified_Event_Trend" name="Unclassified Event Trend" shortname="Trend" subscription="true" version=""> <Description>Provides Trending for unclassified event activity</Description> <Tags> <Tag name="Unclassified Event" /> <Tag name="Unknown Category" /> </Tags> <Params /> <Query>
This example shows the formatting data for the Unclassified Event Trend query. The “objectId” parameter in the call specifies which query or report formatting to display. In this case, it is the Unclassified Event Trend query in the Subscription queries folder.
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