You can use the unregister command to unregister a product. You can use this call where it is not possible or preferable to access the product registration interface to remove a registration certificate.
Unregister Product URL Examples:
In this case "&username=Administrator" specifies a CA Enterprise Log Manager user with the Administrator role. Replace "Administrator" with an appropriate administrator-privileged user.
"&password=adminpassword" specifies password for the Administrator user. Replace "adminpassword" with the password for the user you specified in "&username=".
Note: Use the EiamAdmin username and password to register a product. To list or unregister products, you can use the EiamAdmin credentials, but Administrator credentials are sufficient.
Success Response:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <Result> <Value>true</Value> <Description>The product has been unregistered successfully. The default access rights have been revoked. </Description> </Result>
Failure Response:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <Result> <Value>false</Value> <Description> EE_POZERROR Repository Error</Description> </Result>
Note: An error often results when the product has already been unregistered or does not exist. Another common error description is “EE_AUTHFAILED Authentication failed” which indicates the password was incorrect.
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