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Preview a CA Access Control Event Import

You can use the import preview to fine-tune your import parameters. This example demonstrates two preview passes, based on a need to import events from a specific time period. The example assumes the following things:

The output from the command with the -preview option sends sample import results to STDOUT. (This example uses the value My_CA-ELM_Server to represent a CA Enterprise Log Manager server name.)

To preview the import

  1. Preview your CA Access Control event import with the following command:
    LMSeosImport.exe –dsn My_Audit_DSN –user sa –password sa -target My_CA-ELM_Server –log "eTrust Access Control" -preview

    The -preview command shows information like the following:

    Import started on Fri Jan  2 15:35:37 2009
    No transport specified, defaulting to SAPI...
    Preparing ODBC connections...
    Successfully attached to source [My_Audit_DSN]
    No starting ENTRYID specified, using minimum ENTRYID of 1...
    Import (preview) running, please wait...
    Import (preview) Completed (143762 records in 4 minutes 12 seconds).
    ---------- Imported Events (preview) By Log ----------
    eTrust AC :     143762
    Last EntryId processed: 101234500
    Successfully detached from source [My_Audit_DSN]
    Exiting Import...

    The preview results note that there are a fairly large number of CA Access Control events to import. Suppose for this example that you only need to import the events that occurred in a two-month period. You can tailor the preview command to import a smaller group of events by date.

  2. Change the import parameters to include a date range and run the preview again with the following command:
    LMSeosImport.exe –dsn My_Audit_DSN –user sa –password sa -target My_CA-ELM_Server –log "eTrust Access Control" -mintm 2008-11-01 -maxtm 2009-12-31 -preview

    The amended command shows information like the following:

    Import started on Fri Jan  2 15:41:23 2009
    No transport specified, defaulting to SAPI...
    Preparing ODBC connections...
    Successfully attached to source [My_Audit_DSN]
    No starting ENTRYID specified, using minimum ENTRYID of 1...
    Import (preview) running, please wait...
    Import (preview) Completed (143762 records in 4 minutes 37 seconds).
    ---------- Imported Events (preview) By Log ----------
    eTrust AC :     2349
    Last EntryId processed: 5167810102
    Successfully detached from source [My_Audit_DSN]
    Exiting Import...

    This import preview shows that the date range results in a smaller subset of events to import. You are now ready to run the actual import.

More information:

Understand the LMSeosImport Command Line

Preview Import Results