The CA Adapters are a group of listeners that receive events from legacy components such as CA Audit clients, iRecorders, and SAPI recorders as well as event sources that send events natively through iTechnology.
Set the CA adapter configuration options prior to changing the configurations of CA Audit policies or iRecorders. This ensures that the listener processes are operating before the events arrive. This prevents incorrectly mapped event data.
If you send events through an iRecorder to CA Audit, or if you use a CA Audit client with iRecorder, you will use the CA Enterprise Log Manager SAPI adapters to receive events. To send events to CA Enterprise Log Manager, you will modify an existing CA Audit policy for CA Access Control events. You can add either a Collector action or a Route action to an existing rule.
Refer to the SAPI source documentation for instructions on how to reconfigure to send events directly to CA Enterprise Log Manager.
If you plan to install a standalone iRecorder or you plan to use an existing iRecorder, you will configure the iTech Event Plugin to receive the events. For example, use this approach if you do not have CA Audit installed, but want to use a CA iRecorder to gather events from a supported event source. The process includes the following steps:
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