You can review the following installation log files to begin troubleshooting your installation:
Product |
Log File Location |
CA Enterprise Log Manager |
/tmp/pre-install_ca-elm.log /tmp/install_ca-elm.<timestamp>.log /tmp/install_ca-elmagent.<timestamp>.log |
CA Embedded Entitlements Manager |
/opt/CA/SharedComponents/EmbeddedIAM/eiam-install.log |
CA Directory |
/tmp/etrdir_install.log |
The CA Enterprise Log Manager installation copies content and other files to the CA EEM server for management. From the perspective of the CA EEM server, the CA Enterprise Log Manager reports and other files are imported. If the installation cannot connect to the CA EEM server, the installation of CA Enterprise Log Manager continues without importing the content files. You can import the content files manually when the installation is complete.
If you encounter any errors during installation, you may need to perform one or more of the following actions to complete your installation. Each of these actions involves logging into the CA Enterprise Log Manager server using the default account, caelmadmin, and then switching users to the root account.
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