Running the LMSeosImport utility against a live SEOSDATA table is not recommended, but at times may be unavoidable. If you must run the utility against a live database, the utility imports only a certain section of data. This happens because events that are added to the database after the LMSeosImport utility starts are not imported during that import session.
For example, if you do not specify the -minid and -maxid parameters in the command line, when the utility starts, it queries the database for the minimum and maximum existing entry IDs. The utility then bases its queries and import activities on those values. Events inserted into the database after the utility starts have entry IDs outside that range and so are not imported.
When an import session completes, the utility displays the last entry ID that it processed. You may need to run more than one import session to get all of your events, or you may choose to wait for a period of lower network and event activity to run the import utility. You can run additional import sessions, if needed, using the last session's ending entry ID as the new session's -minid value.
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