The prerequisites for installing a CA Enterprise Log Manager agent interactively are the same on any UNIX system.
Prerequisites include:
When you download the agent binaries from CA Enterprise Log Manager, you save the tar file to the host from which you opened the browser to access CA Enterprise Log Manager. Copy this file to the host where you plan to install the agent. Consider creating a directory on the target host under /usr and copying the tar file to /usr/<mydirectory>.
Important! In this guide, we refer to the directory containing the file you invoke to install the agent as the <install directory>.
The installation program installs the agent and creates the agent root directory, /opt/CA/ELMAgent. The installation program refers to /opt/CA/ELMAgent as the install path.
Installing a CA Enterprise Log Manager agent on an AIX system is done from the command line.
To install an AIX agent
tar –xvf <tar_File_Name>
The directory aix_ppc is created. The _AIX_install_support_ca-elmagent.tar, ca-elmagent-build_number.aix5.3.ppc.rpm, and files are extracted from the agent tar binary file in to aix_ppc.
The license agreement appears.
Important! Enter the host name if the CA Enterprise Log Manager is assigned its IP address dynamically.
Note: No is the typical response for the first installation.
A prompt that requests the default connectors configuration file path appears.
A message designed to determine the availability of the Connectors.xml file appears.
The following message appears: Installation of <ca-elmagent> was successful. If you specified a low privileged user as the agent username, the installation process assigned required permissions.
Note: Technically, the agent service starts when the caelmwatchdog process successfully binds with the caelmagent process. To verify that a successful bind occurred or to troubleshoot a bind failure, see Troubleshooting Agent Installation.
Successful agent installation typically starts the agent service. Technically, the agent service starts when the caelmwatchdog process successfully binds with the caelmagent process.
You can determine whether the agent you installed is running while still logged on to the AIX host.
To verify locally that the agent service is running
ps -eaf|grep caelm
root 16843 16809 0 17:58:11 ? 0:00 ./caelmwatchdog root 16809 1 0 17:57:57 ? 0:57 ./caelmagent -b
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