Previous Topic: Create and Export Connectors

Next Topic: Install an Agent Silently

Prepare a Host for Testing Silent Installation

Before running the script to create the response file for silent installation, perform the following tasks:

  1. Download the agent binaries, copy the tar file to this host and extract the file.
  2. Create a low-privileged user with the planned name.
  3. Copy the exported Connectors.xml to this host. Copy it to the directory with the installation file you extracted.

Create the Response File

On the Solaris host you are using for testing, create a response file. A response file provides the specifications for all agents installed silently with this file.

To create a response file for silent agent installation

  1. Log on to the host you are using for testing.
  2. Navigate to the <install directory> where the ca-elmagent.pkg and Connectors.xml files reside.
  3. Begin creating the response file, ca-elmagent.rsp.
    sh –g ca-elmagent.rsp  
  4. Respond to the prompts exactly as if you were installing the agent locally.
    Select package(s) you wish to process (or 'all' to process all packages). (default: all) [?,??,q]:
    Do you agree to the above license terms? [Yes or No] (No):
    Enter the hostname/IP of the ELM server :
    Enter ELM server authentication code : 
    Enter the ELM Agent username (root): 
    Enter the full path to the ca-elmagent root directory (/opt/CA/ELMAgent): 
    Do you want to configure default connectors?[Yes or No] (Yes): 
    Enter default connectors configuration file path : 

    A confirmation message appears.

  5. (Optional) View the response file contents. An example follows: