Previous Topic: Prepare a Host for Testing Silent Installation

Next Topic: Install an Agent Silently

Create the Response File

On HP-UX systems, you can create a response file for installing an agent silently. This response file provides the specifications for all agents installed silently with this file.

To create a response file for silent agent installation

  1. Log on to the host you are using for testing.
  2. Navigate to the <install directory> where resides. For example, navigate to /usr/mydir/hpux_parisc_32.
  3. If referencing connector configurations in the response file, verify the location of Connectors.xml.

    The <install directory> is the preferred location.

  4. Begin creating the response file, where <response_file> is the name of your choosing.
    sh –g <response_file>
  5. Respond to the following prompts exactly as if you were installing the agent locally.
    Do you agree to the above license terms? [Yes or No] (No):
    Enter the hostname/IP of the ELM server : 
    Enter ELM server authentication code :
    Enter the ELM Agent username (root):
    Enter the full path to the ca-elmagent root directory (/opt/CA/ELMAgent):
    Do you want to configure default connectors? (Yes):
    Enter default connectors configuration file path :

    A confirmation message appears.

  6. (Optional) View the response file contents.
    cat <response_file>

    An example response file follows:
