You can create custom MIB files from the provided boilerplate text by adding selected varbinds from the CA-ELM.MIB file content. A custom MIB file for a single alert contains a subset of the contents of the CA-ELM.MIB file. A custom MIB for an alert differs from CA-ELM.MIB in these ways:
Note: An alert that uses a custom MIB specifies this OID as the value for Custom Trap ID.
Calculations can be applied to any field. The event_count field is an example field to which calculations are commonly, but not always, applied. Event_count in the query, System Event Count by Event Action, is a calculated field; it is calculated with Sum. To determine whether a field is calculated, examine the query where the field is defined. An example of a definition of event_count where it is a calculated field follows:
System_Event_Count_By_Event_Action.xml: <Column columnname="event_count" datatype="I" displayname="Count" functionname="sum" resultname="event_count" sortdesc="true" sortorder="1" visible="true"/>
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