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Edit the Configuration of a Subscription Client

During the implementation phase, an Administrator configures global subscription settings. Most of these settings are inherited by individual CA Enterprise Log Managers. The exception is the time and frequency at which a subscription client polls a proxy for updates. A preset delay allows proxies to complete a download before being polled by clients to propagate the download.

If you want to edit the global settings on a given CA Enterprise Log Manager, consider its role. The following procedure applies to CA Enterprise Log Manager servers that are subscriptions clients, that is, those with the following setting:

A subscription client is defined with a clear Subscription Proxy checkbox and a clear offline subscripiton proxy checkbox.

To edit the configuration a subscription client

  1. Click the Administration tab and the Services subtab.
  2. Expand the Subscription Module and select a host configured as a subscription client.

    The Subscription Module Service Configuration for the selected CA Enterprise Log Manager server appears.

  3. To edit a global setting, click the global settings button to switch to local setting, which lets you make changes.

    Note: To restore the global setting, click the button again. The restore occurs after the Update Interval, configured on the Global Service Configuration page.

  4. To edit the list of subscription proxies that this client contacts for product and operating system updates, display the Local button for Subscription Proxy(s) for Client. Use the shuttle controls to change the subscription proxies that this client is to contact or change the order in which the existing servers are contacted.
  5. Edit modules to download if this client is not getting updates for the modules it needs.

    Note: A client can request a module to download that is not on the list of its proxy.

  6. Click Save.

More information:

Subscription Considerations