Oracle Synonym Editor

Use the Oracle Synonym Editor to add new synonyms or modify existing synonyms at the model level. To add or modify synonyms at the object level, use the Synonym tab that exists within the editors for those objects.

You can open the Oracle Synonym Editor in one of the following ways:

The Oracle Synonym Editor dialog includes the following tabs:

General Specify general properties for synonym.

Alias Add an alias name to a synonym.

Comment Add or edit comments for the selected synonym.

UDP Enter user-defined property values for a synonym.

The following describes all of the other options available in this dialog:


A list box that contains all the available synonyms in the current model in tree format.


Opens the New Synonym dialog where you can specify the name for the new synonym.


Select a synonym from the Synonym list box that you want to delete, and click the Delete button.


Assigns a database Owner to the selected synonym.


Generates DDL for this object during Forward Engineering. If you do not select the check box, no DDL will be generated for this object during Forward Engineering.

Use Replace Syntax

Select this check box if you want the synonym DDL that is generated during Forward Engineering to replace any occurrence of an identically-named synonym. If this check box is not selected, the synonym DDL generated will only attempt to create the object and will not attempt to replace it.

DB Sync

Starts the Complete Compare task so you can synchronize the physical objects defined in your model with the information stored on the server.