Oracle Directory Editor

Use the following options and tabs in the Oracle Directory Editor to add or edit Oracle directories and directory properties. You open this editor by selecting Target - Oracle, Directory on the Model menu.

property editor PREVIOUS icon Previous

Positions the editor on the previous directory in the Navigation Grid.

property editor NEXT icon Next

Positions the editor on the next directory in the Navigation Grid.

property editor SORT icon Sort

Sorts the directories by alphabetic or reverse alphabetic order. You select the method you want using the drop-down menu that opens after you click the Sort button. Visual cues are provided for how the directory list is currently sorted:

property editor SORT icon

Specifies that the list is sorted in alphabetic order.

Property editor Reverse Alpha Sort Button

Specifies that the list is sorted in reverse alphabetic order.

New icon in property editors to create a new object New

Creates a new directory that becomes the current object in the editor.

property editor DELETE button Delete

Deletes the selected directory.

property editor DB SYNC button DB Sync

Opens the DB Sync wizard so you can perform a database level compare of objects in the current model with matching objects in another model.

property editor HELP button Help

Opens online help for the editor.

enter filter text box in a property editor to filter object list

Lets you filter a very large list of directories in the Navigation Grid to quickly locate the directory for which you need to view or define properties.


Specifies the name of the directory. You can change the name of the directory in this field.

Use Replace Syntax

Lets you select whether Forward Engineering will use the REPLACE command instead of the CREATE command.


Generates SQL during forward engineering. Clear the check box if you do not want to generate SQL.


Lets you specify the path (location) of the directory.


Displays any dependencies for the directory that you entered in the Table Editor


Lets you enter any comments that you want to associate with the directory.


Lets you enter user-defined property values for a directory.


View directory history information and view or edit user notes.

Oracle directories are supported in the following features: