The authentication type determines whether a user connects to the mart using Windows authentication or database authentication. Windows Authentication specifies the use of Windows user names and passwords to secure database access. For SQL Server, you must be logged in to your computer as the database owner of the database. For Oracle, you must be logged in as the schema owner. Windows Authentication applies to Oracle 10g/11g or Microsoft SQL Server (2000/2005/2008) users.
Follow these steps:
The Security Manager dialog opens.
The user is assigned the security profile.
The Windows user name is added to the mart, which enables Windows authentication. The dialog closes.
Important: For Microsoft SQL Server 2000/2005/2008, select Mixed Mode Authentication during the installation of the server. For Oracle Version 10g/11g, modify the following two parameters in the initialization file (InitSID.ora):
Remote_OS_Authent=”” OS_Authent_Prefix=TRUE
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