Diagram reports provide information about the current diagram open in the mart.
Note: You must be connected to the mart to generate a diagram report.
To generate a diagram report
Returns definition information for the specified diagram.
Returns subject areas for the specified diagram.
Returns domain usage for the specified diagram.
Returns entity information for the specified diagram.
Returns attributes used by entities in the specified diagram.
Returns information on primary keys and foreign keys used by entities in the specified diagram.
Returns entity subtype relationships for the specified diagram.
Returns entity supertype relationships for the specified diagram.
Returns all data type null values for entity attributes and table columns for the specified diagram.
Returns a list of index member usage for the specified diagram.
Returns index properties for all objects in use for the specified diagram.
Provides a list of relationship usage for the specified diagram.
The Database Login dialog opens.
Depending on the report requested, either the generated report opens in the viewer or you are prompted to enter additional parameters for the report. Once these parameters are entered, the report opens.
The report is generated and opens in the viewer.
The Report Viewer closes.
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