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Unbind a Template from a Model

If you do not want synchronization between a model and a model template, you can unbind the template from the model.

Use the Unbind Model Template dialog to remove a template from a model. This dialog lets you review the objects brought in to the model by the template and specify the action for each one.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click Model Templates, Unbind Template on the File menu.

    The Unbind Model Template dialog opens.

  2. Review each object and select one of the following options to specify the unbind action:

    Specifies to remove their link to the template and keep them in the model as ordinary (not template) objects.


    Specifies to remove the object from the model.


    Specifies to restore settings to their default values (values present when the wizard opened).

    Note: To filter the list to specific objects, select the Apply filter check box. If no filter is defined, or you want to edit a filter, click the Edit Filter button to open the Define Type Filter dialog.

  3. Click OK.

    The unbind actions for each object process as you specified, and the template is removed from the model.