Reports › Standard Reports
Standard Reports
CA ERwin Data Modeler includes the following standard reports:
- Current Diagram Membership (Logical)—Displays the objects in the current diagram of a logical model.
- Current Diagram Membership (Physical)—Displays the objects in the current diagram of a physical model.
- Diagram Picture Report—Displays the selected diagrams in .EMF format.
- Inheritance State of Attributes—Provides information about the inheritance of attributes of the entities included in the current diagram.
- Inheritance State of Columns—Provides information about the inheritance of columns of the tables included in the current diagram.
- Logical Dictionary—Provides details of the entities included in the model or the selected subject area.
- Logical-Physical Combined Dictionary—Provides details of the entities included in the model or the selected subject area.
- Logical-Physical Properties—Provides property details of the objects included in the model or the selected subject area.
- Physical Dictionary—Provides details of the tables included in the model or the selected subject area.
- Physical Indices—Provides details of the indices in a physical model or the selected subject area.
- Session Activity—Provides information about the activities in the current session.
- Subject Area Membership—Provides details of the objects included in the selected subject area.
If you are using CA ERwin Data Modeler Workgroup Edition (WE) and are connected to a mart, the following standard reports are included:
- Global Reports—Provides information about the mart including its libraries, models and model objects, and diagrams.
- Diagram Reports—Provides information about the current diagram open in the mart.
- Model Validation Reports—Assists you with validating your model to help ensure complete and accurate model information.
- Diagram Contents by Class Reports—Provides a list of the modeling object contents for a diagram, sorted by class.
- Diagram Locks Report—Provides information about the locked state of all models in a library. The report includes the user name and profile for each model.