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Set Options for Reverse Engineer

After you select the model type, template, and database, you set options to reverse engineer specific objects.

To set options for reverse engineer

  1. Click Reverse Engineer on the Actions menu.

    The Reverse Engineer - Select Template dialog opens.

  2. Select the new model type, template, and target database, then click Next.

    The Reverse Engineer - Set Options dialog opens.

  3. Work with the following options:
    Reverse Engineer From

    Lets you specify to reverse engineer from a database or script file. If you choose script file, click Browse to select the file.

    Items to Reverse Engineer

    Displays the default option set, which includes all the objects and properties for the selected target server. You can open, save, create, or delete an option set based on your requirements. Select or clear an object or property from the object tree to include or exclude it from the reverse engineer.

    Reverse Engineer

    Lets you specify to reverse engineer system and user tables, or only user tables. Select the System Objects check box to enable this option.

    Note: This option is only available when you reverse engineer from a database.

    Table/Views Owned By

    Lets you specify to reverse engineer tables and views by ownership. Select one of the following ownership options:


    Specifies to reverse engineer all tables and views in the database, regardless of the owner.

    Current User

    Specifies to reverse engineer only those tables or views owned by the current user as entered in the <Database> Connection dialog.

    Owners (comma separated)

    Specifies to filter the tables or views that are reverse engineered to the tables or views owned by the owner name or names (separated by commas) specified in this box.

    Note: This option is only available when you reverse engineer from a database.


    Lets you specify whether to infer primary keys or relationships, or both, during reverse engineer. Work with the following options:

    Primary Keys

    Specifies to infer primary key columns for tables based on defined indexes.


    Specifies to infer relationships between tables based on either primary key column names or defined indexes. When you select this option, you need to specify whether to use primary key column names or defined indexes:


    Specifies to infer relationships from the table indexes. When you select this option, the relationship between two tables is inferred only if the primary key columns of the parent table are in an index in the child table.


    Specifies to infer relationships from the primary key column names. When you select this option, a relationship is inferred between two tables if all of the primary key columns of the parent are in the child table.

    Note: If the target database or DDL script file supports primary key and foreign key declarations, you do not need to use the Primary Keys, Relations, Indexes, or Names options.

    Case Conversion of Physical Names

    Lets you specify how case conversion of physical names is handled during reverse engineer. Work with the following options:


    Specifies to preserve the case exactly as it appears in the script file or database.


    Specifies to convert names to lower case.


    Specifies to convert names to upper case.


    Specifies to automatically override the physical name property for all objects in logical/physical models during reverse engineer.

    After reverse engineer, if this option is not enabled, all logical and physical names are set to the same value. If this option is enabled, the logical/physical link is broken between the logical and physical name.

    Case Conversion of Logical Names

    Lets you specify how case conversion of logical names is handled during reverse engineer. Work with the following options:


    Specifies to preserve the case exactly as it appears in the script file or database.


    Specifies to convert names to lower case.


    Specifies to convert names to upper case.


    Specifies to preserve mixed-case logical names.

    Include Generated Triggers

    Lets you specify whether ERwin-generated triggers are loaded during the reverse engineer process. This option is linked to the Automatically Create RI Triggers setting in the Model Editor, RI Defaults tab. When you choose to automatically create RI triggers, the triggers are treated as model objects and can be forward-engineered into a model, database, or script file. You can include or exclude these triggers when you reverse engineer.

  4. Click Next.

    The database or script is processed and appears as a new model in the main workspace.

Note: When you reverse engineer from a database, you are prompted to connect to the database. If processing errors occur, a dialog displays that allows you to evaluate, display details for, and save the error message.

More information:

Reverse Engineer Processing Errors

Reverse Engineer