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Oracle Constraint State Dialog

Use the Oracle Constraint State Dialog to specify values for an Oracle constraint.

Note: For more information about Oracle constraints see your Oracle documentation.


Specifies whether constraint checking in subsequent transactions can be deferred until the end of the transaction. Select one of the following values:


Uses the SET CONSTRAINT(S) clause in subsequent transactions to defer checking of this constraint until after the transaction is committed.


Specifies to not use the SET CONSTRAINT(S) clause in subsequent transactions to defer checking of this constraint until the transaction is committed.


Establishes the default checking behavior for constraints that are deferrable. Select one of the following values:


Checks the constraint at the end of each subsequent SQL statement.


Checks the constraint at the end of subsequent transactions.


Specifies whether to enable or disable the constraint. Select one of the following values:


Applies the constraint to the table data.


Disables the integrity constraint.


Specifies the way in which old and new data comply with the constraint. Select one of the following values:


Specifies that all old and new data complies with the constraint; it guarantees that all data is valid and will continue to be valid.


Ensures that all new operations on the constrained data comply with the constraint.


Specifies whether to use a constraint for query rewrite. Select one of the following values:


Activates an existing constraint with NOVALIDATE set for query rewrite.


Specifies to not activate an existing constraint with NOVALIDATE set for query rewrite.

Exceptions Table

Lets you specify a table into which Oracle places the rowids of all rows that violate the constraint. The table you specify must exist on your local database.