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Enter Index User-Defined Property Values

Use the UDP tab in the Table Index Editor to enter user-defined property values for a table index.

To enter user-defined property values for an index

  1. Right-click the index in the Model Explorer for which you want to enter user-defined property values and click Properties.

    The Table Index Editor opens.

  2. Click the UDP tab and work with the following options:

    Displays the name of the user-defined property (UDP) associated with the table index. When you use the Command data type for a UDP, the Property cell is a button that you can click to launch a file or application that you enter in the Value cell.


    Specifies a default value. You can enter or select a property value depending on the value data type:

    • Enter the property value in the Value cell for Integer, Real Number, and Text data types.
    • Enter a date value, click Spin Control Button in UDP tab to change the month, day, and year, or click Down Control to select a date for the Date data type.
    • Select a value from the Value list for the List data type. For example, you can create a UDP to select the backup frequency such as daily.
    • Enter a system command or click Command Data Type Icon in UDP tab to browse for a file or executable program for the Command data type. For example, you can enter or select C:\Myfile.doc to launch the Microsoft Word document Myfile.doc.
  3. Click Close.

    User-defined property values are saved for the table index and the Table Index Editor closes.

Note: You should create UDPs before assigning them to a table index. However, you can click Property Editor UDP Tab_User Defined Properties Editor Button to open the User Defined Properties : Physical dialog and work with physical UDPs from within the UDP tab of the Table Index Editor.