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Allow Demand Loading

When you work with a script file or database in Complete Compare, you can use the Allow Demand Loading check box to load only the names of top-level objects (tables, views, materialized views). This enables Complete Compare to load the database quickly since it is only comparing names at this point.

When the Complete Compare Wizard aligns or performs an action on a partially loaded object in the Resolve Differences pane, the properties are fully loaded in order to complete the compare action.

You suppress this default when you clear the Allow Demand Loading check box. Clear the Allow Demand Loading check box if you plan to work with the model you reverse engineered from the database or script file after using Complete Compare.

Allow Demand Loading

If you do not clear Allow Demand Loading, the resulting model will only be partially loaded and will be missing the substructure of various object, tables, views, and so on.

Allow Demand Loading is useful when you compare a small model or a small subject of objects to a large database. When you compare an entire large model to a large database, use of Allow Demand Loading is not appropriate.

Note: When working with DB Sync, to optimize performance, demand loading is turned on by default.