Previous Topic: View the History of Model Objects

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View the History of the Model

You can use the Notes tab in the Model Editor to view the history of a model, and add additional comments.

To view the history of the model

  1. Click Model Properties on the Model menu.

    The Model Editor opens.

  2. Click the Notes tab.

    The following fields display:


    Displays history events for the model.


    Displays the notes entered by the user or the text of the history event.

    Date Created

    Displays the date and time the event was created.

    Created By

    Displays the name of the user that created the event.

    Date Modified

    Displays the date and time the event was modified.

    Modified By

    Displays the name of the user that modified the event.

  3. To annotate the event with text, click the Edit icon and enter text in the Notes Editor.

    The text displays in the text column.

  4. Click Close.

    The Model Editor closes.

More information:

View the History of Model Objects