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Teradata Physical Property Editors

You use the Teradata Physical Property editors to work with the relational modeling features of Teradata. The editors are designed with common features that let you to quickly create and maintain modeling objects. You can move the splitter bar up and down to adjust the space allocated to the Navigation Grid. Columns within the Navigation Grid can be readjusted to increase or decrease the width.

Common features include:

Navigation Toolbar
property editor PREVIOUS icon Previous

Selects the previous object in the navigation grid for editing.

property editor NEXT icon Next

Selects the next object in the navigation grid for editing.

property editor SORT icon Sort

Sorts the objects by alphabetic or reverse alphabetic order. Other sort options may be available on some types of objects.

property editor DB SYNC button DB Sync

Opens the DB Sync wizard, where you can perform a database-level compare of objects in the current model with matching objects in another model or database. This button only appears if the function is relevant to the current type of object.

New icon in property editors to create a new object New

Creates a new object. It becomes the current object in the editor.

property editor DELETE button Delete

Deletes the selected object.

property editor HELP button Help

Opens online help for the editor.

Navigation Grid

Provides a tabular representation of the current object and other objects of the same type. Properties relevant to the object display in separate cells, each with a text entry area, check box, or drop-down control for selecting available values. After you make a change to a field, when you go to another field, the value is saved. Cancel will only cancel the current field’s change.

General Tab

Provides the main features for the editor. When you click on a displayed option, additional features display that allow you to enter free text, or select from a drop-down list of the relevant values.

Common Tabs

Provides additional functionality relevant to the editor. For example, many editors allow you to enter Definitions or Notes. Some allow you to create User-Defined Properties. For security features, a Permission tab allows you to work with security permissions.


Provides icons you can click to undo the last action or redo the previous action within the editor. Click the Details button to open the Advisory Message Dialog that displays details about the action.