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Template Editor Toolbar

The Template Editor Toolbar includes the following features:

Template Editor - Open Open Template File

Open an existing (*.fet) template file.

Template Editor - R Save Template File

Save your changes to the template file. You can save the changes to the current file, or name a new template file (*.fet).

Template Editor - Print Print Current Template Source

Print the currently selected template.

Template Editor - New New Template

Create a new template. A default new template name is added to the end of the list of templates displayed in the Templates pane that you can accept or modify.

Template Editor - Delete Delete Template

Delete the template currently selected in the Templates pane. The pencil Template Editor - Pencil icon icon changes to a can Template Editor - Can icon icon. When you save the template file, the template is deleted.

Find in Template Source

Opens the Find dialog, where you can search for text in the template source and work with search options.

Template Editor - Find Again Find Again in Template Source

Repeats the search last entered in the Find dialog. This button allows you to search again without reopening the Find dialog.

Template Editor - Replace Replace in Template Source

Opens the Replace dialog, which you can use to find and replace text in the Template Source pane.

Template Editor - Toggle Auto Indent Toggle Auto Indent

Toggles auto-indenting in the template. When auto-indent is on, you can press enter to create a new line that is indented to match the preceding line. You can use auto-indent as needed; the formatting of the source code has no impact upon the formatting of the expanded text.

Toggle Macro Categories

Toggles sorting of the macros by category. You can select to display the macros list in alphabetical order (default) or by category (Attribute, Entity, and so on). Click the Toggle Macro Categories icon to toggle the display. The last display selected is saved as the default for when you next open the Template Editor.

Template Editor - Configure Configure

Opens the Template Editor Preferences dialog, where you can work with color and macro display options.

Edit Macro Categories

Opens the Macro Categories dialog where you can work with options to categorize your macros.

Template Editor - Help Help

Opens the online help.

More information:

Open a Template

Create a New Template

Save a Template File

Print Current Template Source

Template Editor Search and Display Options

Template Editor Preferences

Edit Macro Categories

Delete a Template