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Set Entity Display Preferences

You can use the Entity Tab on the Diagram Editor to set general display options for entities in the logical model.

To set entity display preferences

  1. Click Diagrams on the Diagram menu.

    The Diagram Editor opens.

  2. Click the Entity tab and work with the following options:
    Display Level

    Lets you specify the display level for the diagram. Select one of the following display levels from the drop-down list:


    Specifies to use the Entity Display Level in the diagram, which displays the name of each entity in the entity box.


    Specifies to use the Attribute Display Level in the diagram, which displays the primary key and non-key attributes in the entity box.


    Specifies to use the Definition Display Level in the diagram, which displays the entity definition in the entity box.

    Primary Key

    Specifies to use the Primary Key Display Level in the diagram, which displays the primary key attributes for each entity in the entity box.


    Specifies to use the Icon Display Level (large entity icon) in the diagram, which displays a bitmap in the entity box.


    Specifies to use the Key display level in the diagram, which displays the key name in the entity box.

    Entity Display Options (check boxes)

    Lets you specify display options for entities in the diagram. Select any or all of the following display options:

    Show Attributes/Columns as Grid

    Specifies to display the attributes or columns as grid.

    Display Rolenames

    Specifies to display the rolename for the attributes in the diagram during migration. Clear to hide basenames of these attributes.

    Display Attribute Data Type

    Specifies to display the logical data type for the attributes in the diagram. Clear to hide the datatype.

    Display Attribute Domain

    Specifies to display the logical domain for the attributes in the diagram. Clear to hide the domain.

    Display Attribute Null Option

    Specifies to display NULL or NOT NULL values for each attribute.

    Display Logical Primary Key (PK) Designator

    Specifies to display the primary key designator (PK) for the attributes in the diagram. Clear to hide the primary key designator.

    Display Logical Foreign Key (FK) Designator

    Specifies to display the foreign key designator (FK) for the attributes in the diagram. Clear to hide the foreign key designator.

    Display Logical Alternate Key (AK) Designator

    Specifies to display the alternate key (AK) and inversion entry (IE) designator for the attributes in the diagram. Clear to hide the alternate key and inversion entry designator.

    Display Migrated Attributes

    Specifies to display migrated (foreign key) attributes in the diagram. Clear to hide all migrated attributes, including those that have been assigned a rolename.

    Display Attribute Icon

    Specifies to display attribute icons in the diagram. Clear to hide all attribute icons.

    Display Entity Icon

    Specifies to display entity icons (small entity icon) in the diagram. Clear to hide all entity icons.

  3. Click Close to save your changes and close the editor.