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Set Default Diagnostic Options

Use the Diagnostics tab in the Options dialog to set global defaults for Diagnostic features for all modeling sessions.

To set diagnostic options

  1. Click Options on the Tools menu.

    The Options dialog opens.

  2. Select the Diagnostics tab.

    The Diagnostics tab opens.

  3. Specify the following options and click OK.
    Reverse Engineer from Catalog

    Enables you to log queries that this product executes against the database so that catalog information can be reverse engineered. You can specify the following options:

    SQL Trace

    Specifies to log database queries into a trace file, the location of which you specify in the Trace Files option.

    View Trace

    Specifies to log View statements and Materialized View statements used to query the database into a trace file, the location of which you specify in the Trace Files option if your target database is Oracle.

    Trace Files

    Specifies the default location for saved trace files.

    Import/Export of External Format Logs

    Specifies the default location for saved status log files each time you perform either an Import from External Format or an Export to External Format.

    The diagnostic options are set and the Options dialog closes.