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Relationship Editor - RI (Referential Integrity) Actions Tab Options

You can use the following options in the RI Actions tab in the Relationship Editor to define referential integrity trigger actions for relationships.

Child Delete

Lets you specify the referential integrity trigger action that you want to occur when data in the child entity is deleted. Available actions include RESTRICT, CASCADE, SET NULL, SET DEFAULT, NO ACTION, or NONE.

Child Insert

Lets you specify the referential integrity trigger action that you want to occur when data in the child entity is inserted. Available actions include RESTRICT, CASCADE, SET NULL, SET DEFAULT, NO ACTION, or NONE.

Child Update

Lets you specify the referential integrity trigger action that you want to occur when data in the child entity is updated. Available actions include RESTRICT, CASCADE, SET NULL, SET DEFAULT, NO ACTION, or NONE.

Parent Delete

Lets you specify the referential integrity trigger action that you want to occur when data in the parent entity is deleted. Available actions include RESTRICT, CASCADE, SET NULL, SET DEFAULT, NO ACTION, or NONE.

Parent Insert

Lets you specify the referential integrity trigger action that you want to occur when data in the parent entity is inserted. Available actions include RESTRICT, CASCADE, SET NULL, SET DEFAULT, NO ACTION, or NONE.

Parent Update

Lets you specify the referential integrity trigger action that you want to occur when data in the parent entity is updated. Available actions include RESTRICT, CASCADE, SET NULL, SET DEFAULT, NO ACTION, or NONE.