Use the options in the Left Object Selection dialog to further refine the criteria for object comparison between the left and right models. You can select a narrower range of objects for the model in the left pane (for example, by restricting the compare to a subject area, owner, and so on).
To refine the criteria for object comparison
The DB Sync wizard opens on the Right Model pane.
The Left Object Selection pane opens. Work with the following options:
Select this check box to use preset options for selecting objects sets, such as Subject Areas, Triggers, or objects by owner. The available sets appear in a tree in the wizard. Clear this check box if you plan to use a customized set of selected options from the object list.
Displays the tree of model objects for the Left Model. Select or clear the check box next to the object name.
Select this check box to remove unselected objects from the Selected Objects display. This feature makes it easier to display the objects you selected, when you are working with a long object list.
Click Next.
The DB Sync Options pane opens.
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