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Enter Model Source User-Defined Property Values

You can use the UDP tab in the Model Sources dialog to enter user-defined property values for a model source.

To enter model source user-defined property values

  1. Right-click a model source in the Model Explorer, and then choose Properties.

    The Model Sources Properties dialog opens.

  2. Select the Source and Name, and click the ellipsis button to launch other dialogs Editor button on the UDP tab.

    The User Defined Property dialog opens.

  3. Enter the name, type, default, and description information for the user-defined property and click OK.

    The User Defined Property dialog closes and the name of the user-defined property (UDP) associated with the model source is displayed. When you use the Command datatype for a UDP, the Property box is a button that you can click to launch a file or application that you enter in the Value box.

  4. Click in the Value box for a user-defined property. If you use a default value when you create a UDP, the property value is automatically specified. Otherwise, you can enter or select a property value depending on the value datatype:

    Click OK.

    The model source user-defined property value is added.