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Difference Reconciliation Known Difference Toolbar

Use features on the Known Differences toolbar to mark known differences and work with snapshots. The Known Differences toolbar includes shortcuts to the following options:

Save Snapshot Save Known Differences Into a Snapshot

Save known differences as a snapshot. The Save Snapshot dialog opens, where you can set options for saving the snapshot.

Load Snapshot Load Known Differences From a Snapshot

Load a saved snapshot to your current Difference Reconciliation session. The Load Snapshot dialog opens, where you can select the snapshot you want to load.

Mark-UnMark Known Differences Mark/Unmark a Row as a Known Difference

When you select a row, and then click Mark Known Difference, you hide the selected rows in the Difference Reconciliation display.

Click a row, or press Crtl+click to select multiple rows, then click the Mark Known Difference icon. You can saved marked rows as a snapshot when you click Save Snapshot after you mark known differences.

Shown Known Differences IconShow Known Difference Items

Select this button to display known differences you hid using the Mark Known Differences option. This option is disabled when a snapshot is not active, or you have not marked rows as a known difference.

Show Differences since Last Loaded SnapshotShow Differences that have changed since the last loaded Snapshot

If you loaded a snapshot, you can click this button to display the rows that were hidden when you loaded the snapshot.