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Add a Page Header or Footer

You can add a customized header or footer (or both) to all the pages when you print a model. For example, you can print the Model Name, Subject Area Name, and Diagram Name at the top of every page, and the page number, date, and time at the bottom of every page.

Note: If you manually enter incremental information in the Header or Footer text box (for example, page number, date, and so on), you cannot automatically update the text.

A toolbar header_footer_toolbar is provided to make it easy for you to quickly add the following elements:

To add a page header or footer

  1. Click Page Setup on the File menu.

    The Page Setup Editor opens.

  2. Click the Margins tab and work with the following options in the Header or Footer text box:

    A preview of your selection displays beneath the text box.

    For example, if you selected file name and E/R diagram for the header, and date and time for the footer, then the preview would be as follows:


  3. Work with the following related options in the editor:
  4. Click Close to save your settings, or Cancel to cancel your selections.