Previous Topic: Mandatory Non-Identifying Relationships in the Logical Model

Next Topic: Add Multiple Consecutive Non-Identifying Relationships

Add a Non-Identifying Relationship

Add a non-identifying relationship in a logical model to show the relationship between two entities in which an instance of the child entity is not identified through its association with a parent entity, which means the child entity is not dependent on the parent entity for its identity and can exist without it. Primary key attributes are automatically migrated from a parent entity to a child entity, so you do not need to enter any foreign keys in the child. The relationship is automatically created with nulls allowed in the parent. To create a mandatory non-identifying relationship, click the No Nulls button in the Relationships editor.

To add a non-identifying relationship

  1. Click the Non-identifying Relationship icon erw_hlp--non-identifying relationship icon--SCR in the ERwin Toolbox.

    The cursor changes from the arrow symbol to the non-identifying relationship symbol.

  2. Click the parent entity, then click the child entity. If necessary, change the null option to specify a mandatory or optional relationship.

    The non-identifying relationship is added.

More information:

Change the Null Option for a Non-Identifying Relationship

Add Multiple Consecutive Non-Identifying Relationships