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The Action Log Pane

The Action Log pane is a dockable window on the user interface that provides transaction log information containing real time changes made to a model; it is a textual representation of every change made to a model. The Action Log lets you make modeling decisions during your session rather than having to wait until you save the file to review your changes.

As you create transactions on your model, each one moves the previous transaction down the tree in the Action Log, with the first transaction always appearing at the bottom of the tree.

The Action Log does not reflect changes made to a model saved in a previous session. It only shows changes during the current editing session. When the session is closed, the Action Log is closed, and therefore cleared.

More information:

Select Object and Property Types Displayed in the Action Log

Use the Details Pane

Use the Summary Pane

View Property Change Details

Undo, Redo, and Reverse Functions

Use the Find and Find Next Options

How Extended Find and Filter Works