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Use DXcertgen to Request and Use a Third-party Certificate for a DSA Certificate

By default, Dxcertgen creates a certificate and associated private key for each DSA and user. However, you can use Dxcertgen to request another Certificate Authority (CA) to create a certificate. You can then use DXcertgen to merge the DXcertgen private key with the CA-created certificate to create a DSA certificate and associated private key.

To Request and Use a Third-party Certificate for a DSA Certificate

  1. Create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR). Use the following command:
    dxcertgen -D dsaname certreq

    Dxcertgen creates a private key to create the CSR.

    The command stores the CSR in DXHOME/config/ssld/dsaname.csr, and stores the private key in DXHOME/config/ssld/dsaname.key.

    Keep the private key, but send the CSR to the CA.

    Note: For the CA to sign the CSR, they might need additional information such as validity timeframes.

  2. When the CA responds with a certificate, use the following command to merge this certificate with the private key that was used to create the CSR:
    dxcertgen -D dsaname -n ca_response_certfile certmerge

    DXcertgen stores the certificate and private key in DXHOME/config/ssld/personalities/dsaname.pem.

  3. Add the certificate to the file trusted.pem. CA Directory trusts the certificate that you have created. You can use the following command to do this:
    dxcertgen -n ca_response_certfile importca

    Note: Use the file trusted.pem to contain root certificates only.