Previous Topic: How the Authentication Link Is Conveyed between DSAs

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Upgrade the Link Type

If an anonymous user sends a request but a remote DSA can only provide authenticated links, the user is denied distributed operations, and receives the error message “No compatible link type.”

To upgrade the link type between DSAs, set the following command in the appropriate knowledge configuration file:

trust-flags = allow-upgrading

Important! Allow upgrading presents a serious security risk. For example, you are allowing an anonymous user to act as if they had presented a username and password.

Example: Upgrade the Link Type

A user is connecting to one DSA using anonymous authentication and then requesting information from a second DSA that requires simple authentication (username and password). Unless the link is upgraded, the user receives the error message No compatible link type.

To upgrade the link, the DemoCorp DSA knowledge file includes configuration commands as in the following extract:

set dsa UNSPSC =