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set trace Command—Define Trace Levels

The set trace command enables or disables tracing.

Trace options in the set trace command are not cumulative and override options set in previous set trace commands.

This command has the following format:

set trace = none | trace-level-list;

Turns off all tracing


A comma-separated list of one or more of the following trace options:


Displays authentication errors.


Displays certificate operations.


Displays connections.


Traces local DSA operations that were refused.


Similar to the x500 trace, but also includes tracing of the module flow inside the DSA. Use this trace level when you are trying to identify a problem with the directory.


Displays error messages of very high severity.

These events that may impact on the ability of the DSA to perform a requested operation. These events are usually more serious than those reported under warn.

This is the default trace level. It has the lowest impact on performance, and we recommend that you use this level during normal operation.


Traces detailed LDAP operations. The output can become quite large when searches return a large number of entries.


Traces any violation of size or time limits.


Displays a one-line summary containing the server request and result.


Displays detailed protocol tracing. The output can become large.


Displays statistical information for each minute the DSA is not idle.


Displays a one-line summary containing the service request and result.


Displays the time taken for successful operations.

To send this output to a separate file, use the set time-log command.


Displays update operations-add, delete, modify, and rename.


Displays error messages of moderately high severity.

Warning messages usually represent a user error, rather than a problem with the DSA. This used to be the default trace level, but the default is now error.


Displays the full details of the service request, confirmation, or error. This traces DAP, DSP, and LDAP operations. The output can become large when searches return a large number of entries.

Example: Set Multiple Trace Levels

You can set more than one trace level. This means that the trace includes all of the information usually captured by each trace level.

The following command sets the DSA to capture any high-level error messages, plus any violations of time or size limits:

set trace = time, error;

Example: Set Non-Cumulative Tracing Levels

This example shows a set of tracing commands. Because the set trace command is not cumulative, only the last command affects the final tracing level. In the following example, the final trace option is summary:

set trace = time, error;
set trace = summary;

The time and error options are turned off by the second command.