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set dsa prefix—Define the Prefix of a DSA

The prefix parameter of the set DSA command defines the prefix for a DSA. You can include a definition of a horizontal partition in the prefix.

The syntax of the prefix parameter is as follows:

prefix = x500DN [ horizontal_partition ]

Defines a partial DN in X.500 format.


Defines a horizontal partitioning for a DSA and has the following syntax:

< horizontal_partition_attribute "[hashn(total )= DSAid ]">

The symbols in the above line (< " [ ( ) = ] " > ) are part of the command.


Defines the RDN that specifies the entry, for example UserID.


Specifies the hash algorithm that the router will use to partition the namespace. This can be one of the following:


Specifies that the router uses SHA-1 hash


Specifies that the router sums the ASCII values of the uppercase characters as the hash


An integer that defines the total number of DSAs in the horizontal partition.


An integer from zero to total-1 that defines the DSA. For example if total is 3, DSAid is 0, 1, or 2.