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Next Topic: Set the Maximum Guaranteed Idle Time

Set a Maximum Idle Time for DSP Bindings

A sending DSA can close a binding to a peer DSA if the peer DSA does not respond quickly enough. The time allowed is called the maximum DSP idle time.

You can set the maximum DSP idle time in the following places:


If you set the value here then it applies as a default value for the whole directory backbone.

Each namespace partition

If you set a value here it overrides the backbone default value, if one is set.

To set a maximum idle time for DSP bindings

  1. Log in to DXmanager as a user with the Change or Superuser role.
  2. Ensure that DXmanager is in Edit mode.
  3. Click the Maps tab, and then choose the place you want to set the maximum DSP idle time.
  4. Right-click on the item that you want to change, and then select Edit properties.
  5. Find the maximum DSP idle time setting (in the bindings area), and then enter the value.
  6. Click OK or Finish.