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Reject Some Types of Requests

You can prevent a DSA from accepting the following types of requests:

List requests

This is useful if the DIT has a very flat structure and there are thousands of entries under one node. In this case, the list operation is not useful.

Complex search requests

You can prevent a DSA from accepting searches that have no filter or have a complex search filter.

This is useful if a DSA is set up to handle large numbers of simple lookup searches, and a high throughput is very important. Large complex searches can put unwanted pressure on the performance of the DSA.

To reject some types of requests

  1. Log in to DXmanager as a user with the Change or Superuser role.
  2. Ensure that DXmanager is in Edit mode.
  3. Click the Maps tab and display the Topology map.
  4. Navigate to the DSA that you want to change, right-click on it, and then select Edit properties.
  5. In the Performance area, select the types of request that the DSA should not accept, and then click OK.

    The configuration for this namespace partition has been updated.

  6. To apply the changes to the DSAs that serve this namespace partition, deploy the new configuration.

Note: If you want to prevent different types of requests depending on the user sending the request, use search profiles. Search profiles let you allow or disallow different requests for different users. For more information, see Search Profiles.

More information:

Simple and Complex Searches