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Prevent Multiwrite Queues Being Lost When the DSA Stops

If you stop a DSA that has multiwrite queues, those queues are lost. This means that you could lose data. CA Directory helps prevent this loss by letting you specify that a DSA will not stop until its multiwrite queues are empty.

If this configuration item is set to True and you stop the DSA, the DSA stops processing but it does not exit while it has multiwrite queues that contain data.

To prevent multiwrite queues being lost when the DSA stops, using commands

Add the following command to the DSA configuration:

set wait-for-multiwrite = true;

To check if this command is set, use the get dsp command.

To prevent multiwrite queues being lost when the DSA stops, using DXmanager

  1. Log in to DXmanager as a user with the Change or Superuser role.
  2. Click the Maps tab, and choose the place where you want to set Wait for Multiwrite to True:
  3. Right-click on the item for which you want to set Wait for Multiwrite to True, and click Edit Properties.
  4. Find the Replication area, and set Wait for Multiwrite to True.
  5. Click OK or Finish.
  6. Save and deploy.

More information:

set wait-for-multiwrite Command

How to Stop a DSA

Force a DSA to Stop Using a Command Line

Force a DSA to Stop Using the DSA Console