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Notify Clients of Expiring and Expired Passwords

CA Directory uses two password commands to mimic the way that Netscape directories work with LDAP password response controls.

To include LDAP response controls about password expiry to bind and compare responses, use the following command:

set password-mimic-netscape-response-controls = true | false;

To set the number of days for which warnings about the password expiring are added to bind and compare responses, use the following command:

set password-age-warning-period = number-days | 0;

Note: You can use this command only if the client is an LDAP client and it is aware of the Behera password policy request control.

During normal operation these commands cause bind and compare responses from a DSA to append a LDAP control containing the number of seconds before an account expires.

During the warning period, the password expiry notification control is appended to bind and compare responses.

More information:

set password-age-warning-period Command

set password-mimic-netscape-response-controls Command

Password Commands Requiring an LDAP Client