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Stop a Recovering DSA Sending Out-of-date Information to a Client

If a DSA has been offline, when it comes back online, its data is out of date.

To prevent a recovering DSA from sending out-of-date information to a client, use the No Service While Recovering setting on all the DSAs in a multiwrite system. When the No Service While Recovering setting is used, a recovering DSA accepts updates from peers only, and does not accept other client operations. This prevents clients from accessing out-of-date data.

To stop a recovering DSA sending out-of-date information to a client, using commands

  1. Add the DSA flag no-service-while-recovering to the shared knowledge, as follows:
    set dsa dsaname =
    dsa-flags = ... no-service-while-recovering ...
  2. Restart the DSA.

To prevent multiwrite queues being lost when the DSA stops, using DXmanager

  1. Log in to DXmanager as a user with the Change or Superuser role.
  2. Click the Maps tab, and choose the place where you want to set No Service While Recovering to True:
  3. Right-click on the item for which you want to set No Service While Recovering to True, and click Edit Properties.
  4. Find the Replication area, and set No Service While Recovering to True.
  5. Click OK or Finish.
  6. Save and deploy.

More information:

set dsa Command—Define the Knowledge Settings of a DSA